Thursday 24th October 2024

It’s a #GiveOrGift kind of Christmas

Charity Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving, right? A lot of work places celebrate the festivities with a classic game of Secret Santa. Such a game often results in the receiving of gifts that will probably either be re-gifted or, if they’re that rubbish, might just be binned, mentioning no names. Times this by the amount of people in your workplace and that’s a colossal waste!

This year, UK Money Bloggers has partnered with BT MyDonate and come up with a waste-less, give-more kind of gift swap. Where, instead of your secret Santa picking your name out of a hat and then buying you a gift, you state whether you’d like them to make a charity donation in your name instead using #GiveOrGift.

If you’re doing the donating on behalf of another, all you have to do is to visit BT.com/GiveOrGift and follow the simple steps to donate your present fund. If you’d like to give a little something in the grand handover, you can print out this snazzy gift certificate.

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Generally, Secret Santa calls for a spend of between £5 and £10, but you can donate as little or as much money as you like – this is up to the discretion of your Secret Santa organiser. When you donate, your money will be evenly split between these six wonderful charities:

How do I donate?

If you’d like to run #GiveOrGift at your place of work (or with friends and family), then download the Secret Santa pack here which contains your #GiveOrGift instruction sheet, poster, certificate, and signup sheet – where all those taking part in either gifting or giving can make themselves known.

What are we doing here at Mouthy Money headquarters?

Being the kind souls that we are here at the Mouthy HQ, everyone has chosen to donate their Secret Santa gift to #GiveOrGift – what a fab result. We’re so proud of our team!

We really like the certificate idea, too, so each person who is donating money on behalf of another will give a fun personalised certificate. We’re also going to hold a little competition for the most creative certificate. Yes, we’re really stretching out the fun here!

If you’re giving #GiveOrGift a go, we’d love to know! Tweet us @mouthymoney using the hashtag #GiveOrGift.

Phoebe Burrows

Mouthy blogger

A recent music graduate, Phoebe is writing her way through her first job.

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